August 14,2017

Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on
this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Schwartz, Richter, Kuck and
Kronenberger. Parker was excused with a motion by Kronenberger.
Second by Schwartz. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor Smith,
Village Administrator Dicke, Chief of Police Skinner and Fiscal Officer

Visitors were Jacob and Maria Larger, Jerry McClannan and Jeff Elking
representing The Daily Standard.

Minutes from the July 24 meeting and August 10 special meeting were
approved. Motion by Kuck. Second by Richter. Five ayes.

Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:

July Fines, fees and forfeitures were $1,411.
A special meeting will be scheduled at the Lockkeeper’s house
for residents with concerns regarding the left turn lane at Plum
and Washington St.
Wishing Bremenfest best of luck this weekend.

Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:

Update on Police/EMS Building – Block walls are going up along
with rafters.
Last day for the pool will be August 16. Lifeguards are
returning to college and fall sport and band practices have
begun. For next season, we will consider adding adult
lifeguards to work when college and high school kids are
Adding radars at Plum and Washington St. These will be able
to be used with new signals in the future.
Will list 5 surplus vehicles for sale in the newspaper for the
next 2 weeks. Bid opening will take place at end of August.
Tentative date for resurfacing to start is after Labor Day,
weather permitting.

RESOLUTION 2017-08-34 Power Line Supply was awarded the bid for
two 3750 KVA transformers at price of $76,400. Delivery time is 9 -10
weeks. Motion to accept the bid by Schwartz. Second by Richter.
Five ayes.

First Reading ORDINANCE 2017-8-18 Replat of Lot 9 – 11 Haarbye
Street. Eliminate lot 10 and be combined with lots 9 and 11. Kris
Kuck current owner of lot #11 and Scott Frey current owner of lot #9
will each buy half of lot #10 to be combined with their existing lots.
Motion by Richter. Second by Kronenberger. Kuck Abstained. Four

Chief Skinner informed that the police department will be receiving a
$50,000 donation for the purchase of a K-9 dog and vehicle. A subfund
will be set up to receive this donation.

First reading ORDINANCE 2017-8-19 Establish Police K-9 Unit Fund to
receive funds from village or private donations. Motion by
Kronenberger. Second by Richter. Five ayes.

Kuck made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Burnell. Five
ayes. Declaring Emergency ORDINANCE 2017-8-19 authorizing
$75,000 transfer from Income Tax to Parks Department. Motion by
Richter. Second by Kronenberger. Five ayes.

Second reading RESOLUTION 2017-7-31 authorizing Village Marshall
to purchase K-9 unit, vehicle, equipment and training at a price not to
exceed $85,000. Motion by Richter. Second by Schwartz. Five ayes.

Third reading RESOLUTION 2017-7-28 authorizing Village
Administrator to submit application to participate in OPWC State
Capital Improvement for traffic signal upgrades. Motion by
Kronenberger. Second by Kuck. Five ayes.

Schwartz made motion to enter executive session at 7:12 p.m. to
discuss personnel. Second by Burnell.

Council came out of executive session at 7:50 p.m.

Councilman Schwartz presented his letter of resignation to Mayor
Pape. Letter indicated Schwartz is moving outside the corporation
limits of New Bremen and no longer meets the statutory requirements
to hold a council seat. Motion by Kuck to accept resignation. Second
by Kronenberger. Five ayes.

Mayor Pape recommended Jacob Larger for the unexpired two year
term of Councilman Schwartz. Burnell made motion to approve
appointment. Second by Richter. Five ayes.

Richter made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. Second by
Kronenberger. Five ayes.