Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Larger, Burnell, Richter, Parker and Kronenberger. Kuck was excused with a motion by Richter. Second by Larger. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor This, Fiscal Officer Speelman and Village Administrator Dicke and Chief of Police Skinner.
Visitors were Jenna Gilbert representing The Evening Leader, Sandy Schwieterman representing Sidney Daily News, Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard, Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates, Sam Schmiesing, Jane Schmiesing, Jerry Doseck, Phyllis Dosek, Julie Langhals, LJ Jellison, Ken and Rhonda Boyd, Katie Schmitt, Kevin Heitkamp, Philip Heitkamp, Theresa Heitkamp, Jeanette Staton, Patricia Nelson, Terry Wiegers, Louise Wiegers, Chris Heitkamp, Randy Heitkamp, Peg Eilerman and Stephanie Alig.
Minutes from the May 13 meeting were approved. Motion by Parker. Second by Larger. Four ayes. Richter abstained.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for May in the amount of $1,118,993.64 and total receipts for April were $1,038,234.09 and noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for April. Second by Kronenberger. Five ayes.
Kronenberger made a motion at 6:33 p.m. to discuss property. Second by Richter. Came out of executive session at 7:02 p.m. Mayor Pape will discuss an alternative to the proposed electric substation location.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
- In 2002, the tornado sirens were fine tuned to signal only when a tornado is sited near or approaching New Bremen. The sirens will sound continually when in danger and stop when danger is no longer in our area. Tornado sirens are tested every Saturday at noon.
- The new swings at Komminsk Legacy Park are installed. The Neos system will be installed south of the swings. Thank you Dianne Komminsk for the generous donation to the park.
- New Bremen Swimming Pool is open for the season. Follow the Auglaize Mercer YMCA on facebook for updates throughout the season.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
- A Cocoon will be installed at the Sunshine Park.
- Continue to work on the traffic signal upgrade designs.
- Herman St may be a candidate for resurfacing in 2021, after the Franklin St Reconstruction.
Several residents were in attendance to discuss concerns on the proposed lot split of property on Herman Street owned by Crown Equipment Corp to transfer to the Village of New Bremen. This is the proposed location for an electric substation. Mayor Pape discussed the possibility of moving the substation location west approximately 600-800 feet from the proposed first site location. Mayor ask those in attendance if this would be a more acceptable option. Attendees seem to be in favor of this option. Mayor will ask Courtney and Associates how every million spent over the initial proposed $5 million will affect the electric rates charged within the village. GPD to update cost based on alternate site location. Mayor Pape will give an update at the next meeting.
Second Reading Ordinance 2019-5-11 Planning Commission Lot Split. Motion by Larger. Second by Parker. Four ayes. Burnell naye.
Remain tabled – First Reading Ordinance 2019-5-12 Substation loan bid.
The Villages annual property and liability insurance renews July 1. Requested quotes from our current carrier PEP and Ohio Plan. Both plans offer very similar coverage. Ohio Plan quote was $59,889, 4% below PEP. The village has received great service from PEP over the years and believes Stolly Insurance will provide the same level of service. Ohio Plan also provides assistance in helping to improve risk management practices.
First Reading 2019-5-5 Annual Property, Vehicle and Equipment Insurance with Ohio Plan at a cost of $59,889. Motion by Parker. Second by Kronenberger. Five ayes.
During the Front and Eastmoor Drive Reconstruction project, the island was removed on Meadowbrook Place. The removal of the island is cause for the village to vacate a portion of Meadowbrook Place.
First Reading Ordinance 2019-5-13 Vacate a portion of Meadowbrook Place. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Richter. Five ayes.
Third Reading Ordinance 2019-4-9 Renew 2.0 mills levy for Ambulance and Emergency on November 2019 ballot. Motion by Richter. Second by Kronenberger. Four ayes. Parker abstained.
Second Reading Ordinance 2019-5-10 Amend handbook to include Water Plant and Wastewater Plant Weekend Coverage Policy. Motion by Larger. Second by Parker. Five ayes.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:44 p.m. Second by Kronenberger. Five ayes.