Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin, Kuck and Wuebker. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Chief Skinner and Fiscal Officer Speelman. Absent was Village Administrator Richter.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader, Jeff Elking from The Daily Standard, Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates, John T. Schwartz, Genevieve Conradi, Mary Ann Olding and Donald Gagel.
Minutes from the April 12, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Kuck. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for April in the amount of $997,064.82 and total receipts for March were $1,571,137.04; noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for March. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Swimming Pool – Ohio Department of Health has approved the permit for repairs. Shinn Brothers has started on the repairs.
- ODNR has approved final plans for the Bike Path and Crosswalk.
- The canal deed has been received and is being filed with Auglaize County.
- Reviewing with legal counsel the draft response to the Ohio EPA Waste Water Plant Draft 5 year permit. Response is due May 1.
- Water Plant Filter media replacement is 75% complete. Original valve needed replaced due to leaking or inoperable.
- Community clean- up day is May 1 at 304 S Herman St.
- Working with artist to move sculptures to Komminsk Legacy Park and New Bremen School beginning week of May 25, weather permitting.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Report was given by Mayor Parker in the Mayor’s report.
Discussed amending the current Planning and Zoning Code to include Behind the Meter Generation, renewable energy generating facility such as solar and Alternative Energy Systems. The proposal includes permit requirements, solar energy systems, and performance and design standards. Wind energy systems, outdoor furnaces and boilers are not permitted in any village zoning district.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-04-08 Amending Building Regulations to add Behind the Meter Generation – Alternate Energy Systems.
Adopt American Legal Publishing’s Ohio Basic Code 2021 Edition for the Municipality of New Bremen.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-04-09 Adopt American Legal Code of Ordinances for the Municipality of New Bremen.
Discussed proposed HB 157 which removes the language in HB 197 which required employer withholding for the employee to be taxable for the city where the principal place of work is located while working from home during the Governor’s declared emergency. Mayor Parker and Fiscal Officer Speelman met with Rep. Susan Manchester during her office hours at Alt Space on April 26 to express our concerns and effects on the village and local businesses.
Larger made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kronenberger. Declaring Emergency Ordinance 2021-04-10 Opposing Sub House Bill 157 Amending the law regarding withholding municipal earned income tax for those working virtually and/or at home. Motion by Kuck. Second by Larger. Six ayes.
Transmission Site Lease agreement with NKTelco allows placement of equipment on the water tower that will provide connection between the water wells, water towers and water treatment plant. Power usage per unit is rated at 7 watts, minimal power consumption. New Bremen Police Department will be the emergency contact for after hours and tower access.
Second Reading Resolution 2021-04-03 Transmission Site Lease Agreement between Village of New Bremen and NKTelco.
Visitors attended to express support and concerns on placing a sign on the Lockkeepers House. Comments from the discussion were to keep the sign similar to other signs in town, for example sign in front of New Bremen Historical Society Building placed in the ground; concerns this would not be visible from the street. Building was built to original specs and no sign was on original building. All agreed more street signs are needed to direct visitors to Lockkeepers House. The Historical Society is awaiting council approval before receiving grant approval for New Bremen Foundation and Komminsk Foundation. Question was ask, who handles inquiries during the day when visitors stop at the house? Discussions will continue in committee to reach an agreement on sign placement.
Tabled Third Reading Resolution 2021-3-2 Accept the donation of a sign for the Lockkeepers House from New Bremen Historical Society and Miami Erie Canal Corridor Association. Motion by Kuck. Second by Lomakin. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Second by Wuebker. Six ayes.