Typically our community celebrates Arbor Day with a school program, a proclamation by the Village Mayor and the planting of a tree by the sixth grade students. Like many things, alternate methods needed to be considered. In order to continue the honoring of Arbor Day, the Village of New Bremen/New Bremen CIC coordinated a poster contest with 6th grade science teacher, Amy Poeppelman and elementary/middle school art teacher, Lori Baker.
The completed poster was to include the theme: My Community, My Trees! The poster could be done in marker, crayon, colored pencils, or paint. Computer or photo-generated art was not allowed…the poster needed to be original, hand-drawn artwork by the student.
The poster was to include some of the following: what trees give/do for the community and for the people/animals in the community, photosynthesis process and what it does for animals, some of the types of trees in our village, best way to take care of trees, etc.

Since the project also applied for art class, craftsmanship was important. Students were to provide a balanced composition, clear message, grab the viewer’s attention, etc. For science class requirements, at least three facts about how trees help us and our community were necessary.
The artwork demonstrated great art talent by many of the students, and several examples of thorough study of how trees benefit our community, types of tress in our community, etc.

A top 3 selection was made by Mayor Parker. The New Bremen CIC sponsored the 3 prizes, by awarding Dairy Queen gift cards, 1st place received a $10 gift card, 2nd and 3rd place each received a $5 gift card.
Thank you to Mrs. Poeppelman, Mrs. Baker and to the 6th grade students of New Bremen Schools for honoring Arbor Day!
For more information about Arbor Day, check out www.arborday.org.