7th Annual Artisan Showcase: Artisans Across Ohio
The seventh annual Artisan Showcase in New Bremen, Ohio will take place Saturday, September 29th, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The showcase highlights artisans who create unique pieces of art such as jewelry, paintings, wood carvings, reclaimed furniture, and more! The Artisan Showcase is an event highlighted at the annual New Bremen Pumpkinfest.
The Artisan Showcase is currently looking for interested artists. Spaces are limited, so contact the Artisan Showcase today to complete an application and reserve a booth. Booths are $75 for a 10 x 10 space.
Be sure to follow the Artisan Showcase on Facebook at Artisan Showcase. To receive an application send an email to nbartisanshowcase@gmail.com.
Check out new events at this year’s Artisan Showcase, including three Maker’s Sessions that will allow individuals to create their own art or learn a new skill. Additionally, we will have the Social Painting event, with time slots for children to paint as well. We will be posting sign up sheets and details on our Facebook Page soon.
We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping with the Artisan Showcase by being involved with the committee, please contact us at nbartisanshowcase@gmail.com.