Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Larger, Burnell, Kuck, Parker, Kronenberger and Richter. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor This, Fiscal Officer Speelman, Chief of Police Skinner and Village Administrator Dicke.
Visitors were Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates, Sandy Schwieterman representing The Sidney Daily News, Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard, Allan Heitbrink, John Freytag and Richard Bell.
Minutes from the July 23 meeting were approved with the following correction, third reading Ordinance 2018-6-15 Wierth Ditch passed with six ayes. Motion by Larger. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
Bremenfest will be celebrated August 17-19.
Fines Fees and Forfeitures in July were $2,997.
Richard Bell will be observing the voting during today’s council meeting and recommend options to make the process electronic.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
Front and Eastmoor Drive reconstruction:
Working on subbase.
Curb and sidewalk install will begin later this week.
Asphalt will be completed in one phase.
We have received the water and waste water studies from John Courtney. Will discuss results at a future meeting.
Library roof is in need of replacement.
Working on an OPWC project for 2019.
Continue working to getting GIS updated.
Last day for pool will be August 17.
Burnell commented the fishing derby received many positive comments. Had roughly 150 participants.
John Freytag presented to council a request by Dianne Komminsk to add swings to Komminsk Legacy Park. Two separate sets of swings with four swings on each. Swings would accommodate babies through adults. Swings would be added this fall, contractor will be HA Dorsten. Kuck made a motion to approve Dianne Komminsk adding swings to Komminsk Legacy Park. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
First Reading Ordinance 2018-8-17 Accept annexation from German Township for 22.719 acres of land. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
First Reading Ordinance 2018-8-18 Accept annexation from German Township Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Dicke Subdivision. Motion by Kuck. Second by Richter. Six ayes.
At 6:52 p.m. Larger made a motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel. Second by Parker. Dicke, Skinner and Speelman were excused. Came out of executive session at 7:16 p.m. with no action.
Discussed House Bill 478 Ohio Small Cell Legislation and the need for the village to develop a policy that fits our needs and not pass the proposed ordinance.
Third Reading Ordinance 2018-6-14 House Bill 478 Ohio Small Cell Legislation. Motion by Larger. Second by Parker. Six nayes. Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Second by Richter. Six ayes.