Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin, Kuck and Wuebker. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Fiscal Officer Speelman, Village Administrator Richter and Chief Skinner.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader and Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates.
Minutes from the August 9, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Larger. Second by Wuebker. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for August in the amount of $839,418.18 and total receipts for July were $1,082,568.69; noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for July. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Thank You to the Bremenfest Committee for a successful festival.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Buehler Asphalt Paving Inc began milling for the 2021 Resurfacing project and Bike Path project on August 19.
- Waste Water Plant Ohio EPA Draft 5 year permit – Applied for HB-168 grant for lagoon dredging, $685,000.
- Prairie State Energy and Illinois Legislature negotiating CO2 reductions. AMP has debt obligations until 2047.
- Applied for HB-168 grant for SR 274 waterline and sanitary line for annexed properties on SR 66.
- Advertised rental of Komminsk Farm Land for 2022 season. Bids will be opened at 10:00 am September 20 at the Village office.
Discussed annexing properties currently in German Township. Properties are located between Minster Bank and Dollar General on State Route 66. Village will provide necessary service to the proposed properties.
Burnell made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kuck. Declaring Emergency Ordinance 2021-08-17 Annexation agreement with German Township, Schnelle 1.650 acres, Sharp 1.650 and 1.083 acres and Wissman 2.920 acres. Motion by Larger. Second by Wuebker. Six ayes.
The 1991 fire engine failed pump test and has been taken out of commission. Discussed purchasing a replacement in 2019. Chief Voress is requesting pumper be replaced as soon as possible. Lead time is 1 – 1.5 years. 50% will be paid at order and remaining 50% at delivery. 25% of purchase will be paid by German Township. Lomakin made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kronenberger. Declaring Emergency Resolution 2021-08-11 Purchase Pierce Enforcer Top Mount Pumper at a cost not to exceed $822,238. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Burnell. Six ayes.
Need to create a Then and Now purchase order to encumber $5,425 for patching and sealing exposed aggregate sidewalks at Komminsk Legacy Park. Prior approval was given to HA Dorsten to do the work while completing another project in the park but a PO was not submitted. Cost is for labor, materials and equipment.
Larger made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Lomakin. Declaring Emergency Resolution 2021-08-12 Payment to HA Dorsten for patching and sealing exposed aggregate at Komminsk Legacy Park for $5,425. Motion by Lomakin. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mescher Properties LLC has petitioned a setback variance on Lot 10 in Bunker Hill Industrial Park from 75 ft. to 50 ft. to allow for a larger turn around area. A Planning Commission hearing was held on August 19. Neighboring property owners were in favor of allowing the variance.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-08-21 Allow setback variance Mescher Properties LLC for Lot 10 Bunker Hill Industrial Park.
Due to the expected cost of Ohio EPA recommended improvements to Waste Water Plant, a Sewer Capital Reserve fund will be established. Purchases from the fund must be used by 2031.
Second Reading Ordinance 2021-08-18 Establish Sewer Capital Fund for future capital expenditures.
The Village participates in certain programs, partnerships and task forces that may result in asset forfeiture funds being distributed to the Village.
Second Reading Ordinance 2021-08-19 Establish Special Revenue Fund for Asset Forfeitures.
Recommendation by the Planning Commission to amend the zoning map. Portions of Bunker Hill Industrial Park change from I-1 to I-2; to match the first phase. North Substation changes from residential to I-1. Dedicate parcels as right of way on Boesel Ave, Franklin St and Main St.
Third Reading Ordinance 2021-07-15 Approve amendments to the official zoning map to the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Motion by Kuck. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mescher Properties LLC is purchasing Lot 10 in Bunker Hill Industrial Park. New Bremen CIC has approved a CRA Agreement for a tax abatement of 45% for 8 years. The same has been done for other companies with a similar investment.
Third Reading Ordinance 2021-07-16 Enter into CRA Agreement with Mescher Properties LLC, 45% for 8 years. Motion by Kuck. Second by Larger. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion at 6:50 p.m. to enter executive session to discuss property. Second by Wuebker. Came out at 7:18 p.m. with no action.
Kronenberger made a motion to adjourn at 7:18 p.m. Second by Lomakin. Six ayes.