Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Condon, Larger, Wuebker, Burnell and Elshoff. Lomakin was excused with a motion by Larger. Second by Burnell. Also, present were Fiscal Officer Speelman, Mayor Parker, Chief Skinner, Village Administrator Richter and Solicitor This.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from Evening Leader, Erin Gardner from Daily Standard and Sandy Schwieterman from Sidney Daily News.
Minutes from the July 25, 2022 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Wuebker. Second by Condon. Four ayes. Larger abstained.
Minutes from June 13, 2022 will be approved at August 22 meeting due to absences.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Fines, fees and forfeitures for July are $2,786.00
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- One year walk through was completed on the Bike Path and Crosswalk project. No issues were identified.
- Synagro Technologies has signed the contract for sludge removal at wastewater plant. Contract times commence to start on August 5, 2022. Project is scheduled for substantial completion on or before January 2, 2023.
- Pool will close on August 14, 2022 for the season.
- Laser grade of diamond 1 at Bremenfest Park will begin in next few weeks.
- State Route 274 and Jefferson St intersection paving is scheduled for week of August 8th. Once paving is completed SR 274 will reopen.
- The new leaf machine has been delivered.
- The new Caterpillar wheel loader is expected to deliver mid February 2023.
- Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for August 25, 2022 at 6:30pm to review final plat for a new subdivision bounded by Plum St, Park St and Eastmoor Dr.
- Performed audit of fuel keys used to access village fuel tanks to fuel vehicles and equipment.
With the proposed new subdivision on Plum St., the village is planning for a street reconstruction which will include new lines for water, sewer, storm water, curb and gutter. Application must be submitted to Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program by October 2022. Projects will be awarded May 2023 with funds available July 2023.
First Reading Resolution 2022-08-08 Authorizing the Village Administrator to prepare and submit application to Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program.
Homeowners at 714 Franklin St noticed their deed contained a vacated street. A portion of Kunning St was previously vacated. The remaining portion is grass and serves no street access. Requesting the village to vacate the remaining portion of Kunning St
First Reading Ordinance 2022-08-23 Vacate Kunning St running east and west from Franklin St to alley at east line of Lots 6 and 7 Highland addition.
Refuse bids were received from Maharg’s and Rumpke. Maharg’s price per bag was $1.35 for 3 years and adjustments to tag prices, depending on item. Rumpke bid $3.20, $3.36 and $3.49 for contract year 1, 2 and 3. Curbside recycling is difficult to offer in Auglaize and Mercer counties due to the counties offering a free program.
Third Reading Ordinance 2022-07-07 Award Refuse bid to Maharg’s for 3 year contract. Motion by Larger. Second by Burnell. Five ayes.
Wuebker made a motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m. Second by Larger. Five ayes.