Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. at Police / EMS Training Room, Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin, Kuck and Wuebker. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Village Administrator Richter, Chief Skinner and Fiscal Officer Speelman.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader, Jeff Elking from The Daily Standard and Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates.
Minutes from the February 8, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Kuck. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for February in the amount of $764,026.27 and total receipts for January were $1,133,717.58; noted Finance committee will review bank reconciliations for January at a later meeting. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Received many positive comments from on the snow removal.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Swimming Pool bids were opened February 19. Received two bids, Shinn Brothers $105,200 and Astro Pools $113,433. Bids do not include gravel, sod or concrete. Estimate to be $50,000. In March, we will find out if we will receive ODNR grant. The main drain is the most complicated part of the repairs and could lengthen the amount of time to get permit approval.
- Village was out of power approximately 1.5 hours on Feb 11. DP& L static line broke which shorted out the 69 KV line.
- Reviewing draft from Courtney & Associates for Behind the Meter Generation Policy.
- Bid opening on March 1 for filter media replacement at the water plant.
- Reviewing design proposal from Arcadis for blower replacement at wastewater plant.
Current Depository Contracts at First National Bank and Minster Bank expire March 31, 2021. Contracts are advertised every 5 years.
First Reading Resolution 2021-02-01 Depository Establishments 4/1/2021 – 3/31/2026
First Reading Ordinance 2021-02-03 Amend Ordinance 2001-2-10 to Include Park Manager Position
Swimming Pool bids were opened February 19. Received two bids, Shinn Brothers $105,200 and Astro Pools $113,433.
Kuck made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Wuebker. Declaring Emergency Ordinance 2021-03-04 Award Repairs at Community Swimming Pool to Shinn Brothers at a cost of $105,200. Motion by Larger. Second by Lomakin. Six ayes.
Third Reading Ordinance 2021-01-01 Improvement of Koop Ditch Culvert. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Burnell. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion at 6:47 p.m. to enter executive session to discuss personnel and property. Came out at 7:35 p.m. with no action.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.