Spring is just around the corner and LOVE is in the air! Please spay and neuter your animals! If you have feral cats in your New Bremen neighborhood, the Village and other local funding sources support the TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) program for feral (undomesticated) felines in the community of New Bremen.
If you have a cat you would like to live trap in New Bremen, please contact Mile Creek Animal Hospital in Minster to schedule surgery before attempting to trap. If you need to borrow a live trap, MCAH has one they can loan you. After surgery, cats should be returned to the neighborhood they were trapped in. They will keep other feral cats out of the area.
If you have questions, please contact the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) at arfwestcentralohio@gmail.com.
We can control the feral cat population by taking responsibility and working together!