Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on
this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Parker, Larger, Kuck, Richter and
Kronenberger. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor This, Village
Administrator Dicke, Chief of Police Skinner and Fiscal Officer
Visitors were Aaron Heilers, Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates,
Mike Migliore, Harry Phillips and Pam Sullivan from AMP, Mike Hibner,
Kurt Albers and Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard.
Minutes from the January 8 meeting were approved. Motion by
Richter. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
Aaron Heilers introduced himself to council. He is running for State
Representative for District 84. Primary is May 8.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
Thank you to electric department, with help from public works
department, for working through the cold temperatures and
installing the primary wiring at Crown Plant 5.
Remaining holiday decorations will be taken down this week.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
Update on Police/EMS Building – Police have moved into the
new building.
Waste water pumps will be installed first or second week of
Water department has rebuilt 2 out of 4 pumps. Remaining
two will be rebuilt once the first two are installed.
Industrial electric study is currently being completed to help
with future planning. Residential study will follow.
Seasonal job applications are due February 16.
Working updating the employee handbook.
Water and sewer rate study is completed by Courtney & Assoc.
Phone system installed at new police building is going to be
used to connect all village buildings by using extension
Vote of approval to increase fees for summer rec baseball and softball
programs to $25 per child. Fees will be capped at $75 per family.
Motion by Kuck. Second by Larger. Six ayes.
American Municipal Power Inc (AMP) gave a presentation on what
makes up the villages energy supply and resources.
Discussed the Tree City USA annual membership. The village will
discontinue the membership in 2018 due to lack of interest in resident
2018 Committee appointments were reviewed. Motion to approve by
Paker. Second by Kuck. Six ayes.
First Reading ORDINANCE 2018-1-3 Income tax mandatory filing.
Motion by Parker. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
First Reading ORDINANCE 2018-1-4 ammend payroll ordinance for
pool manager pay range of $11.40-$15.00 per hour. The fireman
base rate will be minimum wage. Motion by Kuck. Second by Larger.
Six ayes.
Third Reading RESOLUTION 2017-12-56 to authorize payment to New
Bremen Emergency Squad in the amount of $15,000. Motion by
Richter. Second by Burnell. Five ayes. Abstain by Parker.
Second Reading ORDINANCE 2018-1-02 Revoking current employee
handbook and adopting revised employee handbook. Motion by
Parker. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Jerry McClannan reported that the Front & Eastmoor Drive project is
moving along as planned.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Second by
Kronenberger. Six ayes.