Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. at Police / EMS Training Room, Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin, Kuck and Wuebker. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Village Administrator Richter and Chief Skinner. Fiscal Officer Speelman attended via Zoom.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader, Jeff Elking from The Daily Standard and Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates.
Minutes from the January 11, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Larger. Second by Kuck. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for January in the amount of $1,122,603.68 and total receipts for December were $1,524,587.89; noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for December. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Mayor Parker is not able to attend February 8, 2021 meeting. Councilman Larger will preside over the meeting.
- Received estimate for swimming pool repairs in the amount of $98,000. Does not include stone or concrete. Will go out for bid later this week.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Working with Courtney and Associates to establish a Behind the Meter Policy.
- Canal Clean Up – waiting to receive deed from state.
- Walnut St Sanitary line construction – accepted quote from Donald Sommer. Work will begin in February
- Homan Stucke will replace Fire Department concrete slab. Replacement of drive way will be budgeted for 2022.
Discussed Bunker Hill Ditch Improvement budgeted for $50,000 in 2021. The ditch is functioning properly. Will plan for improvements when future lots are sold.
In 2nd quarter 2022, ODOT will be completing bridge and culvert improvements. Need an ordinance for ODOT to include our portion of the culvert in Koop Ditch in their bid package. Generally pricing is better when you join project with ODOT.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-01-01 Improvement of Koop Ditch Culvert
Larger made a motion at 6:51 p.m. to enter executive session to discuss property and personnel. Came out of executive session at 7:27 p.m.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act provided 80 hours of Emergency Paid Sick leave to eligible employees; this expired on December 31, 2020. We are permitted to extend to March 31, 2021. Employees can carryover the balance from 12/31/2020.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-01-02 Extend Family First Coronavirus Response Act 80 hours of Emergency Paid Sick Leave to March 31, 2021.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.