January 8, 2018

Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on
this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Parker, Larger, Kuck, Richter and
Kronenberger. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor This, Village
Administrator Dicke, Chief of Police Skinner and Fiscal Officer

Visitors were Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates, Mike Hibner,
and Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard.

Minutes from the December 18 meeting were approved. Motion by
Larger. Second by Parker. Six ayes.

Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:

Thank you to all employees for putting up the holiday
Four returning Councilmen were sworn in before tonight’s
meeting: Bob Parker, Don Kuck, Jim Kronenberger and Denny
Burnell. Jason This was sworn in as Village Solicitor.
Great job on snow removal by employees.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
Update on Police/EMS Building – Building passed fire inspection
Electric department is working on the underground project at
Crown Plant 5.
Residents, please help keep the snow away from catch basins.
Applications are available for seasonal positions – Pool
manager & assistant managers, lifeguards, parks and public
works departments and summer recreation program.
The firemen statue donated by Marty Jutte has been installed
north of the library.
Bids for the Front & Eastmoor Drive project were opened
December 19.

Kuck asked for expenditure approval for employee appreciation dinner
on January 20 at Speedway Lanes. Six ayes.

RESOLUTION 2018-01-01 Shinn Bros was awarded bid for Front &
Eastmoor Drive project. Base plus alternate total of $1,563,600.
Approved additional cost of $3,000 for improved storm sewer piping
for a total project cost of $1,566,600. Motion to accept bid by Kuck.
Second by Parker. Six ayes.

The continuation of Tree City Membership was discussed. Current
members are Mike Hibner, Don Kuck and Craig Hoffman. Difficult to
get residents to join Tree commission. Mike Hibner will look at
ordinance/by laws on the details of running or dissolving the

Vote of approval for WORA to sell to Crown and replat. Motion by
Larger. Second by Richter. Six ayes.

Discussed mandatory filing for New Bremen Income Tax. Income Tax
Ordinance needs reviewed. Tabled.

Larger made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kuck. Six ayes.
Declaring Emergency ORDINANCE 2018-1-1 authorizing 2018
Appropriations. Motion by Parker. Second by Kronenberger. Six

Second Reading RESOLUTION 2017-12-56 to authorize payment to
New Bremen Emergency Squad in the amount of $15,000. Motion by
Burnell. Second by Richter. Five ayes. Abstain by Parker.

Third Reading ORDINANCE 2017-11-26 contract Jason This as Village
Solicitor for two year period January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2019 at
the annual rate of $14,400. Motion by Larger. Second by Burnell.
Six ayes.

Third Reading RESOLUTION 2017-11-54 contract Thomas Guillozet as
magistrate for calendar year 2018. Motion by Parker. Second by
Kronenberger. Six ayes.

Kuck made a motion to enter into executive session at 7:55 p.m. to
discuss compensation. Second by Larger.

Came out of executive session at 8:24 p.m. with the following action,
First Reading ORDINANCE 2018-1-02 Revoking current employee
handbook and adopting revised employee handbook. Motion by
Parker. Second by Larger. Six ayes.

Third Reading RESOLUTION 2017-11-55 contract City of St. Marys for
the collection of income taxes for years 2018-2020 at a flat rate of
1.75%. Motion by Burnell. Second by Kuck. Six ayes.

Vote to approve Don Kuck as President of Council. Motion by Burnell.
Second by Larger. Six ayes.

Larger made a motion to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. Second by Parker. Six