Roll call showed the following members present for the special
meeting on this date at Noon at the Crown Pavilion. Schwartz,
Parker, Richter, Kuck, Kronenberger and Burnell. Also present were
Mayor Pape, Chief of Police Skinner, Fiscal Officer Speelman and
Solicitor Smith.
Visitor was Allan Webster and Eric Adams representing The Evening
Allan Webster requested F permit for upcoming Bremenfest. Permit
was signed by Mayor Pape.
RESOLUTION 2017-7-30 Accepting the bid of Buehler Asphalt Paving
Inc as the lowest and best bid for the 2017 Street Resurfacing Project.
Motion by Schwartz. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Second reading ORDINANCE 2017-7-16 prohibiting retail dispensaries,
cultivators, or processors of medical marijuana within the village.
Motion by Kuck. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
Schwartz made a motion to adjourn at 12:25 p.m. Second by
Kronenberger. Six ayes.