Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on
this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Parker, Schwartz, Richter, Kuck and
Kronenberger. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor Smith, Village
Administrator Dicke, Chief of Police Skinner and Fiscal Officer
Visitors were Kevin O’Neill, Jerry McClannan and Jeff Elking
representing The Daily Standard.
Minutes from the July 10 meeting and July 13 special meeting were
approved. Motion by Parker. Second by Richter. Six ayes.
Schwartz made a motion to approve total expenditures for July in the
amount of $1,301,895.45. At the end of May 537 utility accounts
were signed up for automatic bill payment (ACH) and 134 accounts
receive bills by email.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
Mayor attended the annual AMP Members meeting. AMP gave
an update on all projects. All good news was reported.
Good weather for Annual Firemen’s Picnic on July 22.
Fishing Derby will be held on July 27 from 7-8:30 pm at
Kuenning Dicke Nature Park.
Councilman Kuck reported that Pickle Ball has become very popular
with residents and has received request to add two more courts. A
volunteer has offered to paint the lines. The village will provide the
paint and two nets. Approval was given by council to move forward
with adding two pickle ball courts.
At the tree commission meeting, it was mentioned that there is a
large Ash tree log at the waste yard. It’s an ideal piece for carving,
for an organization that has a need.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
Update on Police/EMS Building – Floors are poured, walls are
going up. First construction payment was made this week.
ODOT will be begin resurfacing in the next few weeks,
depending on weather. Traffic will be maintained and street
parking will be limited.
Update from Councilman Parker on displaying of banners. Veterans
banners are displayed on the Monroe St light poles between Main St
and Washington St.
A suggestion going forward for displaying banners
Veterans Banners will displayed Memorial Day until
Veterans Day on Monroe St light poles between Main
St and Washington St. The flags will be displayed in a
random order.
Bremenfest Banners and New Bremen Booster banners
will be displayed on State Route 66
Councilman Parker will also send letter to Congressman requesting
that part of 274 be named after Veterans.
Chief Skinner proposed to council the purchase of a K-9 unit for New
Bremen Police Department. The department currently relies on the
use of a K-9 from other departments. Time is important when an
officer is on a traffic stop and there are indicators of possible drug use.
Over the last three years the department has seen an increase
in felony drug possession cases. The K-9 can also be used to track
missing person or suspect in a crime. The life span of the dog is
approximately 7-10 years. Software will track the useage of dog. The
use of the K-9 will be provided to other neighboring towns as a
courtesy. Mayor Pape ask about splitting the cost with another town.
Chief Skinner indicated this would be difficult to do as the K-9 is
specific to one handler. The approximate cost of the dog, vehicle,
training and equipment is approximately $80,000.
First reading RESOLUTION 2017-7-31 authorizing Village Marshall to
purchase K-9 unit, vehicle, equipment and training at a price not to
exceed $85,000. Motion by Kuck. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
Electric Department has a bucket truck to sell. There are also other
vehicles owned by the village that are no longer needed.
Parker made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Schwartz. Six
ayes. First reading RESOLUTION 2017-7-32 authorizing Village
Administrator to accept sealed bids for vehicles no longer needed by
the village. Motion by Burnell. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Second reading RESOLUTION 2017-7-28 authorizing Village
Administrator to submit application to participate in OPWC State
Capital Improvement for traffic signal upgrades. Motion by
Kronenberger. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
Third reading ORDINANCE 2017-7-16 prohibiting retail dispensaries,
cultivators, or processors of medical marijuana within the village.
Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Burnell. Six ayes.
Third reading ORDINANCE 2017-6-15 Mayor’s annual salary will be
$10,000. Council’s annual compensation will be $4,500. Increase
begins with the next election cycle. Motion by Kronenberger. Second
by Richter. Six ayes.
Third reading RESOLUTION 2017-7-24 Lease agreement with NKTelco
for land space near the water tower. Motion by Kuck. Second by
Richter. Six ayes.
Approval was previously given for the purchase of a 2500 KVA
transformer. This was not purchased and no longer needed. Are in
need of a 3750 KVA transformer. We have no others in this size. Will
need to purchase two, one will be a backup.
Richter made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Parker. Six
ayes. Declaring emergency RESOLUTION 2017-7-33 Authorizing
Village Administrator to go out for bids on 3750 KVA transformer.
Motion by Schwartz. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
Schwartz made a motion to adjourn at 7:38 p.m. Second by
Kronenberger. Six ayes.