July 6, 2017 special meeting

Roll call showed the following members present for the special
meeting on this date at 5:30 p.m. Schwartz, Parker, Richter, Kuck and
Kronenberger. Burnell was excused with a motion by Schwartz.
Second by Richter. Five ayes. Also present were Mayor Pape, Chief
of Police Skinner and Fiscal Officer Speelman. Solicitor Smith was

Visitor was Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard.

Special meeting was called to authorize the Village Administrator to
accept funding from OPWC for 2017 Street Resurfacing.

RESOLUTION 2017-7-27 Authorizing the Village Administrator to
accept OPWC funding of $248,000 for 2017 Street Resurfacing.

Motion by Schwartz. Second by Richter. Four ayes.

Schwartz made a motion to adjourn at 5:42 p.m. Second by Richter.
Five ayes.