Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Larger, Burnell, Kuck and Kronenberger. Parker and Richter were excused with a motion by Burnell. Second by Larger. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor This, Fiscal Officer Speelman and Village Administrator Dicke. Chief of Police Skinner was absent.
Visitors were Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates, Jenna Gilbert representing The Evening Leader and Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard.
Minutes from the June 11 meeting were approved. Motion by Kuck. Second by Larger. Four ayes.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for June in the amount of $464,562.20 and total receipts for May were $1,071,188.80 and noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for May. Second by Kronenberger. Four ayes.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
Fishing Derby will be held at Kuenning Dicke Natural Area on July 26. Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. Derby is from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Evaluating current committee members for Finance, Utility, Streets and Parks. Committee members may stay on current committee or move to another committee. More discussion is needed before a decision is made.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
Front and Eastmoor Drive reconstruction:
Working on sanitary line.
Due to July 4 holiday crews will work Friday, July 6.
Wierth Ditch project will begin in the fall. Money from land owners is currently being collected.
Summer Concert at Pavillion with a food truck on Friday, July 6.
Thursday, July 12, food truck will be available at lunch time.
Mayor Pape will be talking with baseball and softball parents to look at forming a Baseball and Softball Parent Committee.
First Reading Ordinance 2018-6-15 Wierth Ditch Pipe Replacement. Enter into contract with Auglaize County Engineer. Village cost is $61,307.17, additional cost possible for clean-up and ditch rock. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Larger. Four ayes.
Tabled – Ordinance 2018-6-16 to Amend 2018 appropriations.
Second Reading Ordinance 2018-6-14 House Bill 478 Ohio Small Cell Legislation. Motion by Larger. Second by Kronenberger. Four ayes.
After discussion, it was determined a Resolution for House Bill 478 was not needed. Second Reading Resolution 2018-6-4 House Bill 478 Ohio Small Cell Legislation. Motion by Burnell. Second by Kuck. Four nayes.
Tabled – Third Reading Ordinance 2018-5-12 Entering into an Annexation agreement with German Tow ship for the proposed annexation of 22.719 acres of land.
Tabled – Third Reading Ordinance 2018-5-13 Entering into an Annexation agreement with German Township for the proposed annexation of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Dicke Subdivision.
Mayor Pape will be attending the Township meeting on July 3 to discuss the Annexation.
At 6:56 p.m. Larger made a motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel. Second by Burnell. Came out of executive session at 7:26 p.m. with no action.
Second Reading Resolution 2018-4-3 Annual Insurance renewal for Property, Vehicle and Equipment with Ohio Public Entities Pool for $73,153 with addition of Increased Cyber Breach for $2,680 for a total of $75, 833. Motion by Burnell. Second by Kronenberger. Four ayes.
Kronenberger made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Second by Larger. Four ayes.