Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Larger, Burnell, Kuck, Parker, Richter and Kronenberger. Also present were Mayor Pape, Solicitor This, Fiscal Officer Speelman and Village Administrator Dicke and Chief of Police Skinner.
Visitors were Matt Krieg, Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates, Randee Henson from Stolly Insurance, Jenna Gilbert representing The Evening Leader, Sandy Schwieterman representing Sidney Daily News and Jeff Elking representing The Daily Standard.
Minutes from the March 11 meeting were approved. Motion by Kuck. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for March in the amount of $981,269.89 and total receipts for February were $1,187,513.99 and noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for February. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
- In January the village contracted Raci Zimper to maintain social media posts, questions and comments. The contract was for 3 months. The village has seen positive changes to our social posts over the last 3 months.
Mayor recommends continuing the contract with Raci Zimper until further notice. Contract will remain the same at $100 per week. Vote approval by council. Six ayes.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
- Departments continue to work on Dude Solutions set up.
- Community Garage Sales are April 12 and 13.
- Spring clean-up for village residents is May 11.
- Brush pickup has begun.
Randee Henson from Stolly Insurance discussed the renewal of the Village’s medical insurance. Currently in the Anthem SOCA Plan and will see a 3% increase in premium. Presented details from multiple plans and carriers and also explained Spousal Waivers and Spousal Surcharge. Council requested the completion of a spousal questionnaire. Monthly premium costs are approximately $19,000. Village currently pays 95% of premium and employee pays 5%.
First Reading Ordinance 2019-3-7 Renewal of Anthem Medical Insurance SOCA Plan. Motion by Larger. Second by Parker. Six ayes.
The village has been awarded grant funds of $358,000 from Ohio Development Services Agency to help in the widening of SR 274 and the addition of a turn lane near Crown Equipment Corp. The village will need to acquire land for the turn lane and will do in-kind work such as moving poles, water or storm sewer lines, seeding and mulching.
First Reading Resolution 2019-3-3 Accept 629 Grant funds of $358,000 from Ohio Development Services Agency for the widening of SR 274 with the addition of turn lane near Crown Equipment Corp. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Richter. Six ayes.
Third Reading Resolution 2019-1-2 Woehrmeyer Ditch Petition not to exceed $4,000. Motion by Parker. Second by Burnell. Six ayes.
The engineering cost for the substation is out for bid. Bids are due April 4.
Third Reading Ordinance 2019-2-6 Engineering for Electric Substation. Motion to table by Larger. Second by Parker. Six ayes. Motion tabled.
Third Reading Ordinance 2019-1-1 Amending annual pay of Fire Chief to $6,000 and Assistant Fire Chief to $2,000. Motion by Richter. Second by Burnell. Six ayes.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:19 p.m. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.