Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on
this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Parker, Richter, Kuck and
Kronenberger. Schwartz was excused with a motion by Parker.
Second by Burnell. Five ayes. Also present were Mayor Pape,
Solicitor Smith, Chief of Police Skinner and Fiscal Officer Speelman.
Visitors were Jerry McClannan, Mandy Niekamp, Gail Siegel and Jeff
Elking representing The Daily Standard.
Minutes from the March 13 meeting were approved with a motion by
Parker. Second by Richter. Five ayes.
Kuck made a motion to approve total expenditure for the Feb. in the
amount of $1,366,581.20. Second by Kronenberger. Five ayes.
Mayor Pape made the following announcements in his Mayor’s Report:
Thanked Fiscal Officer Gast to her years of service with the
Village. Speelman sworn in on March 20.
Village Administrator Dicke gave the following report:
The Village will be clearing out downed trees from canal from
Amsterdam to Lock Two Rd
Did not receive grant for EMS / Police Building but will move
forward with project.
Park department is putting a plan together for Memorials such
as trees and benches.
Possiblity of sanitary and water line work in advance of Front St
and Eastmoor Dr project at 274 due to smooth seal asphalt
project this year by ODOT on 274.
Jerry McClannan from Mote and Assoc discussed Front St Eastmoor Dr
project and recommended replacement of sidewalks. Discussed
sidewalk width / design which needs to be ADA compliant.
Mandy Niekamp and Gail Siegel from Garmann / Miller presented bids
for EMS / Police Building.
Kronenberger made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Parker.
Five ayes. Second and third readings RESOLUTION 2017-3-10 award
contract with proposed alternate for the Police and EMS Building
Construction Project to H.A. Dorsten, Inc of Minster, OH for the sum
not to exceed $1,956,000 to be paid from the Income Tax Fund.
Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Parker. Five ayes.
Second reading ORDINANCE 2017-1-2 amending Electric Ordinance
2002-12-43 and authorizing a $65.00 fixed rate per month for an E
meter. The E meter has a phone jack that allows the customer to
access the data. Council also reviewed utility deposits. No change
made to the utility deposit amounts or procedures.
Second reading ORDINANCE 2017-3-7 creating a Capital Outlay
Policy. Village Administrator Dicke asked Solicitor Smith to review the
sample policies and discuss the options at the next meeting. The
ordinance was tabled.
Parker made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kronenberger.
Five ayes. Second and third readings ORDINANCE 2017-3-8 to amend
Ordinance 2017-1-1 by transferring $125,000 from Income tax to
Parks and Recreation Fund. Motion by Burnell. Second by Kuck.
Five ayes.
Kuck made motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kronenberger.
Five ayes. Second and third readings RESOLUTION 2017-3-11 to
authorize Village Administrator to advertise for bids of 2 pickup trucks
for use by Village Departments. Motion by Parker. Second by
Kronenberger. Five ayes.
First reading RESOLUTION 2017-3-12 to authorize the Village
Administrator to enter into contract with Choice One Engineering of
Sidney, Ohio for designing plans and specification for traffic signals at
three intersections in the Village of New Bremen at a fee not to
exceed $50,000. Motion by Burnell. Second by Parker. Five ayes.
Kuck made a motion to adjourn at 7:57 p.m. Second by Burnell. Five