Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin and Wuebker. Kuck was excused with a motion by Kronenberger. Second by Burnell. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Chief Skinner, Fiscal Officer Speelman and Village Administrator Richter.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader, Jeff Elking from The Daily Standard and Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates.
Minutes from the April 26, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Larger. Second by Wuebker. Five ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Fines, fees and forfeitures for April were $2,695.
Lomakin noted Bremenfest Committee is looking for volunteers. Theme for 2021 Bremenfest is Reunited.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Swimming Pool – Plumbing inspection passed. Backfill and concrete is next. Liner company has been notified of schedule. Mushroom has been repainted.
- ODNR Bike Path and Crosswalk will be bid with the 2021 Resurfacing Project. Bid will go out May 11 and opening is May 27.
- The canal deed has been filed with Auglaize County.
- Ohio EPA Waste Water Plant Draft 5 year permit draft response was sent on April 30, awaiting response.
- Water Plant Filter media replacement is complete
- Sculptures will be moved to Komminsk Legacy Park and New Bremen School beginning week of May 25.
- The 11 month walk through of Franklin Ash Street reconstruction has been completed with Mote and Tom’s Construction.
Amending the current Planning and Zoning Code to include Behind the Meter Generation, renewable energy generating facility such as solar and Alternative Energy Systems. The proposal includes permit requirements, solar energy systems, and performance and design standards. Wind energy systems, outdoor furnaces and boilers are not permitted in any village zoning district.
Second Reading Ordinance 2021-04-08 Amending Building Regulations to add Behind the Meter Generation – Alternate Energy Systems.
Adopt American Legal Publishing’s Ohio Basic Code 2021 Edition for the Municipality of New Bremen.
Second Reading Ordinance 2021-04-09 Adopt American Legal Code of Ordinances for the Municipality of New Bremen.
Transmission Site Lease agreement with NKTelco allows placement of equipment on the water tower that will provide connection between the water wells, water towers and water treatment plant. Power usage per unit is rated at 7 watts, minimal power consumption. New Bremen Police Department will be the emergency contact for after hours and tower access.
Third Reading Resolution 2021-04-03 Transmission Site Lease Agreement between Village of New Bremen and NKTelco. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Larger. Five ayes.
Larger made a motion at 6:43 p.m. to enter executive session to discuss property. Second by Lomakin. Came out at 7:40 p.m. with no action.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. Second by Lomakin. Five ayes.