Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin, Kuck and Wuebker. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Chief Skinner, Fiscal Officer Speelman. Village Administrator Richter was absent.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader, Jeff Elking from The Daily Standard and Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates.
Minutes from the May 10, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Larger. Second by Wuebker. Five ayes. Kuck abstained.
Larger made a motion to approve total expenditures for May in the amount of $889,164.19 and total receipts for April were $1,075,268.89; noted Finance committee reviewed bank reconciliations for April. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- The old bus property located on Cherry St no longer has a public use restriction. The restrictions on the property were removed by quiet title action. The land is approximately 3 acres.
Village Administrator Richter Report: Report given by Mayor Parker
- Swimming Pool – Concrete is complete. Sod will be laid this week. Liner company has pushed back date for repairs. A local company is looking at liner to see if they can help with repairs.
- ODNR Bike Path and Crosswalk will be bid with the 2021 Resurfacing Project. Bids will go out May 11 and opening is May 27.
- Sculptures will be moved to Komminsk Legacy Park and New Bremen School beginning week of May 25, weather permitting.
- Splash pad opened on May 20.
Ohio Nature Works Program through Ohio Department of Natural Resources has grant funds available. The village will be submitting an application for new backstops and dug out wings on all four diamonds at Bremenfest Park. Applications are due June 1, 2021. Estimated cost of the project is $160,000, $86,000 in grant funds available and $73,000 in local share.
Burnell made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Lomakin. Six ayes. Declaring Emergency Resolution 2021-05-04 Apply for Natures Works Grant through Ohio Department of Natural Resources for new backstops and dug out wings at Bremenfest Park. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Lomakin. Six ayes.
The Village currently has deposit funds at Star Plus. The Star Plus name is being rebranded to the name Government Insured Deposit Program (GIDP). The account will function the same as current account. The transition is effective May 31, 2021. Will need to update depository establishment to include GIDP.
Kuck made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes. Declaring Emergency Resolution 2021-05-05 Amend depository establishment for Village of New Bremen to include Government Insured Deposit Program. Motion by Larger. Second by Kronenberger. Six ayes.
The Village’s property, vehicle and equipment insurance renews on July 1. Stolly Insurance received initial renewal of 2.4%. Will be meeting with Chad Stolly the first week of June to review renewal.
First Reading Resolution 2021-05-06 Annual Property, Vehicle and Equipment Insurance renewal.
Administrator Richter was hired in November 2020, at that time the position did not include the responsibilities of Economic Development. Richter has assumed these responsibilities and will be compensated at $10,000 per year. The compensation will not be subject to cost of living adjustments.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-05-11 Village Administrator to assume duties of Economic Development Director effective July 1, 2021 at $10,000 per year and will not be subject to cost of living adjustments.
Adopt American Legal Publishing’s Ohio Basic Code 2021 Edition for the Municipality of New Bremen.
Third Reading Ordinance 2021-04-09 Adopt American Legal Code of Ordinances for the Municipality of New Bremen. Motion by Larger. Second by Lomakin. Six ayes.
Amending the current Planning and Zoning Code to include Behind the Meter Generation, renewable energy generating facility such as solar and Alternative Energy Systems. The proposal includes permit requirements, solar energy systems, and performance and design standards. Wind energy systems, outdoor furnaces and boilers are not permitted in any village zoning district.
Third Reading Ordinance 2021-04-08 Amending Building Regulations to add Behind the Meter Generation – Alternate Energy Systems. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Kuck. Six ayes.
Worked with Courtney and Associates to establish parameters and fee schedule for residential and commercial to utilize Behind the Meter (BTM) Generators. Zoning code has been updated to include solar panel restrictions and guidelines. Kronenberger made a motion to untable Ordinance 2021-3-5 Behind the Meter Generators from April 12, 2021. Second by Burnell. Six ayes.
Third Reading Ordinance 2021-3-5 Behind the Meter Generators. Motion by Larger. Second by Wuebker. Six ayes.
Kronenberger made a motion at 6:49 p.m. to enter executive session to discuss property. Second by Larger. Came out at 7:17 p.m. with no action.
Kronenberger made a motion to adjourn at 7:17 p.m. Second by Larger. Six ayes.