The first half of 2020 will be a busy time in our community.
Current construction projects underway include:
- Substation construction
- Traffic Signal upgrade @ SR274/SR66 – in preparation of this work the community sign at the corner of SR274 & SR66 was removed. Any future plans for the sign will be determined by local community organizations.
- Franklin/Ash Street reconstruction
Recent projects just completed:
- North Sanitary, work that began January 6th is now complete and tested
- Wastewater Plant improvements, old aerators were replaced with new aerators. The work is now complete, awaiting final testing, fine tuning and operation and maintenance training.
Other items that are in the planning stages include:
- Use of One Call Now – for all Village residents
- Tree maintenance
- Road widening of 274W
- Bike Path
- Internal process improvements
- Improvement of commercial build procedures
- Due to the fluctuation of temperatures, the snow machine at Bremenfest Park’s sledding hill has not yet been put into action for the season.
- Seeking summer help