Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Burnell, Kronenberger, Larger, Lomakin and Wuebker. Kuck was excused with a motion by Kronenberger. Second by Lomakin. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Solicitor This, Fiscal Officer Speelman, Village Administrator Richter and Chief Skinner.
Visitors attending were Corey Maxwell from The Evening Leader, Erin Gardner from Daily Standard and Jerry McClannan from Mote & Associates.
Minutes from the September 27, 2021 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Larger. Second by Wuebker. Five ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Fines, fees and forfeitures for September were $3,784.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Buehler Asphalt Paving Inc has completed paving. Gutter crack seal and asphalt preserver is being scheduled.
- Canal Cleanup grant project will be completed by Schmiesing Tree Service for $48,500.
- Fire Station Driveway concrete was poured on 10/5/21. Will be able to drive on 10/25/2021.
- Swimming Pool – By State Health Department permit requirements, the main drain box was dug out and grounding connections made to concrete floor rebar grid. Concrete was replaced. Pool liner needs repaired at main drain and several other spots that tore during the regular season.
- Waste Water Plant Ohio EPA Draft 5 year permit – Sludge survey postponed due to vendor schedule.
- Jefferson St Reconstruction (OPWC project) will advertise bids on Oct 28, 2021 with bid opening Nov 18, 2021. Construction to begin spring of 2022.
- State Route 274 is scheduled for 2024 summer paving with ODOT. Curbs, gutter and waterline will need replaced prior to paving. OPWC application has been submitted.
Village is planning for a complete reconstruction on North Jefferson St. from Monroe St to approximately 250 linear feet north of East Second St and East Second St east of North Jefferson St. The construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters and driveway approaches by land owners will be required.
Kronenberger made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Lomakin. Declaring Emergency Resolution 2021-10-14 Necessity of reconstructing sidewalks, curbs/gutters and driveway approaches on Jefferson St. Motion by Wuebker. Second by Burnell. Five ayes.
Bunker Hill Industrial Park, Lot 23 Parcel C10-400-024-00 to be transferred to Community Improvement Corporation of New Bremen to sell for development.
First Reading Ordinance 2021-10-25 Transfer from Village of New Bremen to Community Improvement Corp Lot 23 Bunker Hill Industrial Park.
Perry and Associates was the independent firm completing the villages state audit for years 2019 and 2020. Recommendation to pass annual ordinance authorizing Fiscal Officer to complete intrafund transfers during the year except for wages and benefits which require council approval.
Burnell made a motion to suspend the rule. Second by Larger. Declaring Emergency Ordinance 2021-10-26 Authorize Village Fiscal Officer to make Intrafund appropriation transfers for year 2021. Motion by Kronenberger. Second by Wuebker. Five ayes.
Board of County Commissioners approved annexing 9.15 acres currently in German Township. Properties are located between Minster Bank and Dollar General on State Route 66.
Second Reading Ordinance 2021-09-22 Annexing property in German Township; Craig Schnelle, Patricia Sharp and Susan Wissman, containing 9.15 acres.
Komminsk Property farm lease bid opening for year 2022 was on Sept 20, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Four bids were received. Highest bid was Topp Farms LLC at $42,250.
Second Reading Ordinance 2021-09-23 Contract lease of Komminsk Farm land for 2022
Larger made a motion at 6:40 p.m. to enter executive session to discuss property. Second by Kronenberger. Came out at 6:52 with no action.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 6:52 p.m. Second by Kronenberger. Five ayes.