Roll call showed the following members present for the meeting on this date at 6:30 p.m. Condon, Larger, Wuebker, Burnell and Lomakin. Elshoff was excused with a motion by Larger. Second by Lomakin. Also, present were Mayor Parker, Fiscal Officer Speelman, Chief Skinner and Solicitor This. Village Administrator Richter was absent.
Visitors attending were Erin Gardner from Daily Standard and Jerry McClannan from Mote and Associates.
Minutes from the September 12, 2022 regular meeting were approved. Motion by Lomakin. Second by Condon. Five ayes.
Mayor Parker’s Report:
- Cider Time and Trick or Treat is scheduled for Sunday, October 30, 2022. The Cider Time parade will line up at 1pm, in parking lot behind 17 West. The parade will begin at 1:30pm. Trick or Treat will follow from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. The Junior Rotary Club will be helping with the event.
- Tree Lighting will be Monday, November 28 at 6:30pm. Council meeting will be held at 7:00pm. There will be no committee meetings.
Village Administrator Richter Report:
- Administrator Richer is attending the AMP Conference.
- Curbs on Jefferson St are poured. Driveway approaches and sidewalks are being poured.
Mayor Parker will be scheduling a local game warden to attend a future meeting to discuss options on resolving geese at the waste water plant.
Planning Commission approved the plat for Plum St Subdivision, located on the old high school baseball and football field. The plat consists of 21 lots and a new street, Margaret Street. All driveway approaches will be on Plum St or Margaret St.
Second Reading Ordinance 2022-09-24 Accept Plum St Subdivision plat, street and easements.
Residents at 9 Vine St, parcel C10-011-012-00 are requesting fence variance for swimming pool. The current wrought iron fence is 4 ½ ft., requirement is 5 ft. Current fence height cannot be extended and meets the intent to keep people out.
Second Reading Ordinance 2022-09-25 Fence variance parcel C10-011-012-00, 9 Vine St.
Komminsk Property farm lease bid opening for 2023 was on Sept 9, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. One bid was received, Topp Farms LLC at $47,250.
Second Reading Ordinance 2022-09-26 Contract lease of Komminsk Farm land for 2023.
Larger made a motion to enter executive session for property at 6:40 p.m. Second by Condon. Came out of executive session at 7:01 p.m. with no action.
Larger made a motion to adjourn at 7:01 p.m. Second by Wuebker. Five ayes.